We help the Robots find the optimum solution. And also speed, so that each equipment in the Cell, including the Robots, are effectively utilized.
They are sequenced with each other through signals so that they can work together, sometimes in overlapping zones, still maintaining safety of humans and equipments.
Of course before they can even start a cell is built and tasks are assigned to these Robots. A great attention is made when all the Robots, Tools, Panels & other Equipments are put in the Cell at the right place in the right orientation with the right spacing between them and many other fine considerations. While reachability & avoidance of joint lock (singularities) are key considerations, Safety and Ease of Maintenance are always higher priorities. Each Robot & each Tool is assigned optimum level of tasks, e.g. no. of spots, mix of handling & welding, etc. so that the Cell is well balanced and Humans and Robots can finish their assigned tasks well within the Cycle Time with a safety margin of time to spare.

Each Robot & each Tool is assigned optimum level of tasks, e.g. no. of spots, mix of handling & welding, etc. so that the Cell is well balanced and Humans and Robots can finish their assigned tasks well within the Cycle Time with a safety margin of time to spare.
In the end, a detailed Sequence of Operations is prepared and Interlocks between operations are defined. Next these Robots are run through Real Time Controllers, to check for their (approx.) Real Time behavior, any jerky motion, any singularity lock, any unnecessary waiting, any missing connection are carefully investigated. Only when all these are resolved, we can say, our cell is ready.
Cell Build Up & Optimization
Optimization for
Floor Space & Cycle Time
Cycle Time Preparation
Task Balancing
Spot / Activity Distribution
Safety in the Cell
Robot Safety Zoning
Robot Safe Mode
Offline Programming
Sequence of Operations
I/O instructions
Spot Welding
Roller Hemming
Flow Drill Screws
Stud / Nut Welding
MIG / MAG Welding
VIN Marking
Process Designer
Process Simulate
Delmia v5
Fanuc Roboguide