Joy of Diwali became manifold with the smiling bright faces at Garden City Jeevitha Foundation, Bangalore.

Family day for SACHA, Bangalore.
Happy Family day organized by HAPPY CLUB Bangalore..
HR Training on Communication Skills and Team Building
Bauer is ready for the world and gets a new identity.
Bauer had been working with global customers since years. In the recent years, its customers grew in China. While the management team had the right orientation towards the global business, its name, the webpage and the logo were some how not reflecting the aspirations of the company.
In the last 3 months, there had been considerable thinking and a lot of discussions over many hours and countless coffee mugs.
In the end we have a very satisfying result and we are proud to announce that now Bauer has a fresh new name, Bauer Engineering GmbH and a fresh new Logo.
Going forward, Bauer will be a brand and a platform for SACHA through which it can offer the innovative technologies and systems to the world. Consequently, the webpage of Bauer is now integrated within SACHA’s webpage.